
Symbolism in Disney

“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”

-Mark Twain

Have you ever read one of those Dan Brown’s books, where he talks about hidden symbolism in artefacts, monumental structures etc. You might find that a bit intriguing and a bit cringy.

What if I say that there are hidden symbols in cartoon shows and they mess up with the young minds!!

Seems like a pretty bold statement, huh?

Read on to know one of the greatest secrets of modern times. A secret hidden in plain sight.

Well the idea of influencing young minds seems far-fetched but it isin’t!

Let’s start from very basic things!! Let’s look at some hand gestures.

Devil’s horn


ILY Sign
Shaka Sign

While all 3 signs kind of look same but they have their own unique symbological significance.

The first sign represents “Devil’s thorns”. Sounds scary?? You bet it is!!

The problem with this sign is that this sign is used by followers of Satan. Origins of this hand gesture can be traced back to Ancient Rome, where it was known as Vorena the Elder’s gesture, and symbolized a curse. However not many people know about this. This sign has been popularized in pop culture! Various celebrities can be seen using this sign!!

Disney characters also use this sign!! It’s basically an attempted curse on viewers.

Looks disturbing, isn’t it??

Oh..I forgot the other two hand gestures!! Devil’s sign really got me.

ILY stands for I Love You! ILY hand gesture also looks like Devil’s thorns hand gesture but the thumb does not cross two middle fingers. This is often misunderstood sign. It represents love. This sign is also used by many people.

Finally, Shaka sign looks like devil’s gesture but it is not. In this sign, pinky finger and thumb are raised. This sign is used by Hawaiian surfers!!

Disney has also used ILY signs!!

So you see Disney is carefully mixing up the signs. They throw in ILY signs and then in some images they show devil’s thorns! It is subtle symbology at its best.

Let’s see other signs and symbols as well.

This 666 number in one of popeye’s clip and illuminati eye in Goofy are related to Satan!

You may check out these 30 quotes from disney movies that are kinda dirty! https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2015/10/95179/weird-disney-quotes#slide-1They are not suitable for children at all.

Apart from this, you can even check out these 20 sublimal messages from Disney movies. It reflects perversion of highest order! https://www.thethings.com/20-subliminal-messages-hidden-disney-movies/

Now you may ask, what’s gonna happen if children see them? What is the harm?

This kind of stuff is dangerous for small folks because childern are innocent and these symbols subtly influence their minds. Their young minds soak in images after images of occult practices, magic, perversion, sexualization of children, till the time when child feels these images to be normal. This builds up the foundation for introducing the child to more hardcore practices when he grows up. This leads to unrest in society!

So, what should we do? How to save ourselves and our children from this menace?

It’s important to remember that symbols, gestures, signs (etc) do not have intrinsic meaning in and of themselves. Its us, humans who give them meaning, and the same symbols/signs/gestures can have radically different meanings in different cultures, or even in different contexts.

For example, on one hand, the “horns” hand gesture has been used by some death metal bands to represent the devil, but in Texas it’s just “hook-em horns” used by fans of the University of Texas, Austin’s football team, their mascot is a longhorn cattle. In popular usage it’s just a “rock and roll” gesture, and has no deeper meaning than that. It is also similar to the “Karana mudra” of eastern religions. This is a bit intriguing spiritually as this mudra is used for warding off evil. It helps in reducing sickness or negative thoughts.

Karna Mudra

If you feel uncomfortable watching or doing certain hand gesture because of one meaning it has in a certain context, then absolutely don’t do it. But understand that others can and, very likely, have no idea that it might have a bad meaning in some contexts. It’s one of those things that you need to decide on your own based on your own conscience, nobody can give a clear example of whether “it’s bad” or “it’s good”, because it’s neither good or bad, it just is

The truth is that if one tries hard enough, one can just about find a negative or inappropriate meaning for pretty much everything. In some cultures, the “thumbs up” gesture is also very offensive.

It just depends on your perspective. If you worry about your children then watch these cartoons first and then let them watch it!

Enjoyed the article, wanna explore the topic of symbology and mysticism in detail. Here are my top 3 recommendations

You can also read my review and comparison of top ten books of Symbology and mysticism here.

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